November 2020

What improvements will be evaluated in the Southwest Connect™ Planning & Feasibility Phase?

By |2021-05-11T09:27:24-04:00November 3rd, 2020||

The Master Plan will identify the future needs to improve safety, operational capacity, functionality, efficiency and connectivity along and across the corridor. Managed lanes, collector-distributor roadways, auxiliary lanes, interchange operational improvements or new interchanges are under consideration.

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What are the steps in the Project Development Process?

By |2021-05-11T09:01:54-04:00November 3rd, 2020||

The FDOT project development process is a comprehensive process involving: Planning & Feasibility Phase: During this phase, the FDOT will evaluate the long-range transportation needs of I-4 and I-75. Results will be documented in a Master Plan. The Master Plan will identify and prioritize individual projects to proceed to the next phase. Project Development and Environment Study (PD&E) Phase: During this phase, design concept options and their social and environmental effects are examined. Design Phase: During design, detailed design plans are prepared. Right-Of-Way Acquisition Phase: This phase entails acquisition of any necessary right-of-way, based on the design plans developed during the Design Phase. Construction Phase: Roadway improvements are built during this phase.

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Why do we need a Master Plan?

By |2021-05-11T08:51:06-04:00November 3rd, 2020||

The Interstate 75 (I-75) and Interstate 4 (I-4) corridors are key facilities of the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS). Both have experienced increasing traffic as a result of population growth, additional tourism and special events. FDOT, in partnership with the local communities, want to be proactive in planning for a safe and efficient corridor.  The goals during the Planning and Feasibility phase are to identify and document in a Master Plan, solutions that improve safety, operational capacity, functionality, efficiency and connectivity along and across the corridor. The Master Plan will document the road's needs, define and prioritize necessary improvements, and identify ways to fund these improvements. The FDOT will develop an Implementation Plan based on priorities identified in the Master Plan. Funded priorities will  become individual Projects which progress through the Project Development Process.

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What is a Master Plan?

By |2021-05-11T08:50:57-04:00November 3rd, 2020||

A Master Plan is a document that summarizes a community’s vision for future transportation and provides a set of recommended improvements to enhance safety and mobility. Development of a Master Plan involves data collection, public outreach, analysis of current and future transportation needs, and the identification and evaluation of potential projects to address those needs.

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